All PTE's for all faculty are administered via the online PTE portal.
教师, 学院院长, 部门的椅子, 和审稿人可以访问感知教学效果(PTE)门户网站 http://dhwapp.haotanche.com/perceived/login 或者通过MyCSUDH.edu.
*出于RTP的目的,应通过Interfolio对留用、终身任职和晋升候选人进行评估. 每个RTP委员会成员/审稿人都可以通过Interfolio访问候选工作人员行动文件(WPAF). Please click on the following link for more information on the RTP指南和政策.
Please follow these steps to access PTE results.
How do I know when the student evaluations are open?
You will receive notification via email and within Canvas.
Via the email sent to your Toro email address and via MyCSUDH.edu portal will contain a link to the evaluations for your courses.
I have more than one instructor in a course. 我能单独评估它们吗?
Yes. 当一门课程有多个讲师时,您将为每个讲师完成单独的评估. You may access the link via email or MyCSUDH.edu.
Yes. Responses are reported without your name; thus, your identity isn't disclosed.
我有多个评估要完成,当我误以为是另一门课程时,我错误地评估了一门课程. 我可以重做评估吗?
No. Once an evaluation is submitted, it cannot be reopened. 在提交之前,学生应该预览并验证他们的回答是否已经完成了PTE调查中列出的指定教师的回答.
If you wish to provide notification regarding the incorrect submission, 你可以书面通知导师. However, you will need to disclose your identity to the instructor. 如果你决定这样做,你可以向老师提供你对课程的书面反馈.
我忘记在截止日期前填写我的评估,我想提供正规澳门平台十大赌博老师/课程的反馈. 你能重新评估吗?
一旦评估结束,我们就无法重新开放或延长截止日期. 如果您希望提供有关课程/讲师的反馈,并且评估已经结束, 你可以书面通知导师. However, you will need to disclose your identity to the instructor. 如果你决定这样做,你可以向老师提供你对课程的书面反馈.
Why are evaluations closed before the final exam period?
How do I know that I completed an evaluation?
You may check the status via the portal MyCSUDH.PTE调查菜单项.
Does anyone other than my instructor look at the evaluations?
Yes. The reports are used by 部门的椅子, deans, evaluation committees and other individuals for business related matters.
Who do I contact for technical assistance?
你可以联系鲁比·马丁内斯 rmartinez@haotanche.com in the Office of 教员事务 and 发展.
Can I add my own questions to the PTE Survey?
Yes. Instructors can add up to two questions for each course, tailored to the term. 当在线PTE选修表格在课程开始前开放时,教师将通过电子邮件收到通知. Please refer to the PTE schedule and PTE User Guide on our website.
I forgot to add my optional questions before the deadline. Can you reopen the form so I can add my questions?
Once the 在线PTE Optional Questions form has closed, we are unable to reopen it or extend the deadline.
How will I know when the PTE Survey is open?
您将收到电子邮件通知. Please refer to the PTE schedule on our website.
Yes. You will be able to monitor the response rates until the evaluations close. Instructors are emailed the response rates for each course.
对于为期15周的课程,评估将在课程最后一天的四周前进行. For classes that do not fit the 15-week schedule, the PTE survey will be administered two weeks before the last day of classes. Please refer to the PTE schedule on our website.
No, CSUDH no longer administers paper evaluations.
Why is my evaluation window closing before my last class?
默认评估结束日期被设置,因此评估在期末考试之前结束. 此默认评估结束日期基于PeopleSoft中列出的课程结束日期, 和/或期末考试时间表. 评估在期末考试前进行,以尽量减少期末成绩影响学生反馈的可能性.
My evaluation has closed, but I’d like to receive a higher response rate. 你能重新进行PTE调查吗?
No, we are not able to reopen the evaluation once it has closed. 教师被鼓励与学生谈论PTE过程的重要性, 学生参与及反馈.
我和别人一起教一门课. 教师是单独评估的吗??
Yes. 学生将被要求为PeopleSoft列出的每位教师完成单独的评估.
Can I provide extra credit to students for completing the student evaluation?
学院事务和发展办公室强烈建议不要为参加PTE过程的学生提供额外的学分. 根据第十五条.17.a. of the CSU/CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement, 学生的评价应是匿名的,在任何时候都只能根据课程和/或部门来确定. 因为这个原因, 提供奖励可能会冒着学生匿名提供反馈的风险.
建议在课堂上留出时间让学生完成在线PTE调查, 教师应该离开教室,以确保学生可以自由地提供真实的回答.
评估结果将在学期结束或提交成绩后公布. PTE成绩报告将显示您的学生如何回答多项选择题. 报告还将包括来自开放式评论的学生反馈. Please refer to the PTE schedule for the term.
If you leave the university and no longer an active CSUDH employee, your credentials are revoked for all CSUDH services including the PTE portal. 我们鼓励教师保留一份PTE成绩报告作为他们的记录.
Yes. 您可以通过登录PTE门户网站或通过MyCSUDH访问前几个学期的PTE成绩报告.edu. 但是,你必须是一个积极的员工. Instructors are encouraged to keep a copy for their records.
终身系教授, deans, evaluation committees and other individuals for business related matters. Instructors will only have access to their own evaluations.
Yes. Instructors may print their PTE reports for courses they taught only. 我们建议您保留一份报告的副本以备在RTP评估周期中使用. When ready to view and print, you will need to disable the pop-up blocker.
Who do I contact for questions and technical assistance?
你可以联系鲁比·马丁内斯 rmartinez@haotanche.com in the Office of 教员事务 and 发展.
Do I have access to view the PTEs as Department Chair?
Yes. But only 部门的椅子 or unit heads with 终身 status will be granted access to view the PTEs for their faculty members. You may reference the CSU/CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement. 我们也鼓励您在我们的网站上查看系主任PTE用户指南.
How do I get PTE access as Department Chair or Unit Head?
教师事务和发展办公室将自动授予新的和返回的系主任或单位负责人PTE访问权限. PTE access will only be valid for the duration of the appointment.
If a change occurs within a term for the following roles (dean, 副院长, 系主任, 部门审核人), 请发邮件到 rmartinez@haotanche.com. We will update the permissions for users within the PTE portal.
No. 出于RTP的目的,应通过Interfolio对留用、终身任职和晋升候选人进行评估. 每个RTP委员会成员/审稿人都可以通过Interfolio访问候选工作人员行动文件(WPAF). For any questions about the RTP process, please contact Ms. Dianne沃格尔.
The Department Chair or Unit Head can send an email request to Ms. Ruby马丁内斯, Office of 教员事务 and 发展. Once access is granted, the department will be notified via email. However, please allow up to 2-weeks for the request to be processed. 我们鼓励部门同行评审委员会成员在我们的网站上审阅PTE评审人员使用指南.
Can I print the PTEs of a faculty member?
No. Only the faculty member may print their own PTEs.
如果你是教员, administrator or student having technical issues with the PTE system, 请联络.T. Help Desk at (310) 243-2500 or submit a request via the I.T. 服务入口网址: http://csudh.service-now.com.
您也可以发送电子邮件到 Ms. Ruby马丁内斯, Office of 教员事务 and 发展.